
Welcome to the Aiming for Healthy Families quiz page! Our quizzes promote healthy choices and equip youth and families with tools to combat high-risk behaviors like teen pregnancy, STDs, substance abuse, violence, and school dropout. Take a quiz to learn more about making positive, informed decisions for a healthier future.

Discover Your Relationship Dynamics.

Explore Relationship Self-Assessment Quizzes: Reflect, Learn, and Grow Together with Insightful Tools for Self-Reflection and Relationship Enrichment.

Check Out Some Other Quizzes

Do YOU have an STD?

Find out what STD tests are recommended for you based on your personal risk factors.

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance

CDC Youth Online lets you analyze national, state, and local Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) data from 1991 – 2021.

Let's Talk About Porn: A Conversation Blueprint

Porn can be difficult to talk about, and that’s something Fight the New Drug is trying to change! There, you’ll be able to find all of the tips you need to successfully navigate a conversation about porn with your partner, child, sibling, parent, friend, or your neighborhood mail person. Let’s get talking about porn!

Occupation Finder

Want to know more about a future career, like educational requirements, salary and demand?
Check out the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook.

National Drug and Alcohol IQ Challenge

Take this quiz to see how informed you are about drug abuse and addiction. A public Kahoot! from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).